Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Learning Truth from Seahorses

Colossians 2:6-7 "Therefore, as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, walk in Him, rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, overflowing with gratitude."

Recently my family visited the Mystic Aquarium and was fascinated by a tank of seahorses. There were several clumps of seahorses with their tails wrapped around stalks of sea grass. Other seahorses had their tails wrapped around other seahorses, which were in turn wrapped around stalks of sea grass. I was not sure why the seahorses were doing this, so I googled it. After looking at several websites, I learned that seahorses are not very good at swimming. They basically move by being carried along by the currents. Sometimes the currents take them to safe places with lots of food; other times it takes them to places that are not so favorable. When seahorses get to a place that is safe and has abundant food, they tend to wrap their tails around sea grass, or other seahorses, so they can stay in place and not be carried away by the currents.

When I realized this cool fact about seahorses, I could not help but think about how it relates to people. If we were honest, we would have to admit that we are not very good at life. We tend to get carried away by the currents of popular opinion, fads, and culture. That sometimes offers us good experiences, but most often it does not. Riding such currents make our lives feel as if we are swirling in a hurricane headed for destruction and we seem powerless to stop the wild currents that carry us. But when we find Christ as our Savior, suddenly we have something strong we can cling to. Like seahorses and sea grass, we can wrap our lives around the Lord, His Word and His strength. In that process we also find churches filled with people just like us. As we build healthy relationships with people in such churches, our lives become intertwined with other believers, which also gives us strength when the currents try to carry us away. Seahorses teach us to cling to something stronger than ourselves and to cling to each other for safety and security. That is a great lesson to learn!

Lord, help us cling to You and to other believers as we move through the currents of life.


Dr. Terry W. Dorsett is a church planter and writer who has lived in New England for over 20 years. An energetic speaker, he often finds ordinary things in life to help him teach powerful truths from God's Word.


  1. Yes and glory to God for the nature will speak to us in alot the Animals to joy and showing us how wonderful glory are our God into in his purpose and use us with his wisdom to save and give his care over us in Jesus name ,thanks and bless,keijo sweden
